Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Hotel UDub

Yup, we're still here. Ken gets a little closer to getting out every day (but who really knows). He's had plenty of company from various people and always enjoys it.

Night time is rough around here - they wake him up which seems like every hour. Last night he got to sleep around 10pm but they woke him up at 11, 12, 1, 2 and 3! Good thing he sleeps most of the day cause he doesn't get it at night!

TV around here is getting a little boring - He's found a station that plays old tv reruns so we spend a couple hours a day doing Leave it to Beaver, then Mash or Perry Mason, Bonanza, the Beverly Hillbillies and Hogan's Hero's. However, it is better than watching soaps.

The M's play again today at 4, hopefully they don't lose resulting in his blood counts dropping again since we've finally got them in a "safe" place.

Hey says he's about 2nd or 3rd shelf from the top so we're getting there! Cross your fingers that he'll be home tomorrow!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Ken,

I have everything crossed in hopes you will out and home Wednesday. Thinking good thoughts for you. I can't quite stomach the M's though but will watch basketball tonight.