Wednesday, October 22, 2008

We May Have Turned A Corner...

Ken had a great day today! He's looking a little better and hopefully feeling that way too! He's still in the hospital and probably will be there a while longer but has definitely showed some improvement. I'd like to attribute that to Ken Waite Day! :) Thanks to everyone that supported the effort, it means so much to our family.


Anonymous said...

We are so glad you are doing better! I think Ken Waite Day had a lot to do with it too. You have an amazing family! Hang in there , we are all thinking of you.
The Stewart Family

Anonymous said...

It never hurts to have a little good news! I hope to see Ken back to work at GHC again soon, as I'm thinking that Wes is getting tired of me asking him how Ken is doing, everytime I see him. :)

---Dann, the GHC "Parking Guy"